On-Site Testing – Slip Resistance Testing

BET is Ireland’s ONLY ISO-17025 accredited Slip Resistance Testing company.

What is Slip Resistance Testing?

Slip Resistance Testing is a process that measures the amount of traction between a walking surface and footwear. This type of testing is essential when evaluating how safe different surfaces are for public use, as it helps determine the likelihood of someone slipping or falling on a given surface. The results of Slip Resistance Testing can be used to make informed decisions about which kinds of flooring are suitable for different public spaces, helping to create environments where everyone can feel safe and secure.

This type of test involves simulating natural conditions to accurately evaluate the chance of slips occurring under normal foot traffic levels. Different tests may be performed depending on the surface type – typically involving wet/dry measurements, sandpaper friction tests or pendulum skid testers - but the primary aim is always to ensure that the maximum amount of traction is available.

The Pendulum Test

Slip Resistance Testing is usually carried out at client premises or in our test laboratory. Various types of Slip Resistant Testing equipment are used to conduct slip tests. The procedure BET uses is the Pendulum Test which mimics the way a heel makes contact with a floor and is HSE’s preferred test method.


Our testing procedure demonstrates pendulum slip resistance results of a dry floor, a wet floor, and a “cleaned” floor.

Slip potential results for straight walking on a horizontal surface are shown below:

Slip Potential (1) Pendulum Test Value (PTV) (2) SlipAlert Test Value (STV) (3)

High Slip Potential1



Moderate Slip Potential1



Low Slip Potential1



PTV slip probabilities if straight walking on a horizontal surface are:

  • PTV of 20 indicates a 1 in 2 probability of a slip
  • PTV of 24 indicates a 1 in 20 probability of a slip
  • PTV of 27 indicates a 1 in 200 probability of a slip
  • PTV of 36 indicates a 1 in 1 million probability of a slip

Slip Resistance Testing Standards

All BET’s testing activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the following standards:

BS EN 16165:2021 Determination of slip resistance of pedestrian surfaces – Methods of evaluation

BS EN 13036-4-2011 Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics – Test Methods Part 4: Method for measurement of slip/skid resistance of a surface: the pendulum test

UK Slip Resistance Group Guidelines for Assessment of Floor Slip Resistance 2016

Contact us to learn how Slip Resistance Testing can help you meet the relevant standards on your current projects.

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